
A Fresh Start for the New Year 

At the beginning of every new year, I set goals for myself

This year, I’ll lose 5 kilos.  

I’ll dedicate more time to working out.  

 I’ll finally buy those boots I’ve had my eye on…  

But if you ask how much of it I’ve accomplished, well, let’s just say I haven’t been the most successful ☺

However, this year, I have different goals in mind—like reading more books.  

Have you ever opened a book and taken a deep breath of its scent?  

The smell of books is one of my favorites. 

Sadly, there are people in our country who’ve never experienced this. 

According to recent statistics, 31% of our population doesn’t read books at all. 

While people in Turkey spend an average of 5 hours a day in front of screens, 

They only dedicate 6 hours a year to reading.  

Yes, we live in a digital age.  

The books we used to smell have been replaced by e-books.  

Our children also spend a lot of time on phones and tablets, 

Which means we need to capture their interest in books.  

You can do this by introducing them to audiobooks or e-books. 

Or, you can pick books that have been adapted into animations or movies. 

Read them together first, then watch the adaptations with your kids, it can be a fun and meaningful way to bond over stories.  

Let’s include reading as one of our goals for 2025.

This new year, why not gift your children a book? 

Better yet, treat yourself to one, too!  

Here’s to a year filled with the joy and wonder of stories. 

Wishing you all a childlike spirit in the coming year! 

About Author /

Pediatric Health And Diseases

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