Healthy Nutrition During The Feast Of Sacrifice

Eid al-Adha, where all family members come together and feast tables are set, is one of the important days that people should pay attention to nutrition, especially due to the frequent consumption of red meat.

In order to prevent many diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases, it is important to follow the rules of healthy eating on this important day in order to avoid unwanted surprises after the feast. 

5 Suggestions For A Healthy Eid Al-Adha;

  1. Eid Morning Breakfast A sufficient and balanced meal plate that will provide satiety that will prevent you from overdoing it during the day should be preferred. The plate can be divided into 4 and protein-rich foods, such as eggs, low-fat cheese, omelette, plenty of greens with high fibre and water content, cereal bread and unsweetened tea can be consumed. Products such as frying and roasting should be avoided at breakfast. Choose cereal bread for your bread preference. 
  2. Excessive Treats During Bayram visits, dairy desserts should be preferred instead of pastries, chocolate and heavy desserts; open tea or herbal teas should be preferred instead of fruit juice or fizzy drinks. Not being able to say no may cause rapid rise in blood sugar and some digestive problems.
  3. Meal Content is Very Important Small portions and small plates should be preferred and all food groups that should be included in a balanced meal should be included. During the feast of sacrifice, meat consumption is at the forefront. Since meat is a protein food, there may be digestive problems, so a salad with plenty of lemon and onion and boiled/steamed vegetable dish should be preferred with meat. Do not eat bread if you have bulgur pilaf, rice pilaf, stuffing, wrapping with your meat
  4. Pay attention to the amount of tea and coffee consumption during holiday visits. Drink plenty of water.
  5. How Should We Cook, Store And Consume Sacrificial Meat?  

Sacrificial meat should be slaughtered in a sterile environment. The hardness in the meat of freshly slaughtered animals causes difficulty in both cooking and digestion. For this reason, the meat must be cooked after resting. It is recommended to cook it after keeping it in the refrigerator for a minimum of 12 hours. Cooking the sacrificial meat at very high temperatures for a long time should not be preferred as it will cause the formation of various carcinogenic substances. It is a healthy method to cook the meat not alone but with your favourite colourful vegetables in order to provide nutritional diversity. The distance between the meat and the fire should be adjusted so that the meat is not too close to the fire and the distance between the meat and the fire should be adjusted so as not to burn the meat and not to provide “charring”. Dishes made with meat should be cooked with its own oil and additional oil should be avoided. The sacrificial meat should not be cut into large pieces, but should be cut into small pieces, wrapped in a freezer bag or greaseproof paper and stored in the freezer or deep freezer of the refrigerator. Meat prepared in this way can be stored in the freezer at -4 degrees for a few weeks and in the deep freezer at -18 degrees for longer.

About Author /

Dietitian Sustainable Nutrition Specialist

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