Can the Immune System Be Strengthened?

What is the Immune System?

The immune system is a flawless defense mechanism that protects our body against microbes. It consists of numerous cells and proteins that work together in perfect harmony. Instead of forming a single organ like the heart, kidneys, or liver, the cells and proteins that make up the immune system are scattered throughout the body. All the cells of the immune system develop from a common stem cell found in the bone marrow. The main cells of this system, T and B lymphocytes, complete their maturation process in the bone marrow and thymus and become ready to fight against microbes.

How Does the Immune System Work?

The primary function of the immune system is to protect the body from pathogenic foreign microbes and to eliminate dead or damaged cells. In doing so, the immune system recognizes foreign molecules that enter the body and fights against them. The immune system has a memory that allows it to battle foreign microbes that enter the body. During the first few years of life, children encounter various microbes and produce protective substances called antibodies specific to each microbe. The cells that produce antibodies recognize the microbe and store it in memory. T cells also recognize microbes they have encountered before and store them in memory. Thus, when they encounter the same microbe again, the immune system easily identifies it and rapidly eliminates it. Therefore, it is normal for children to get sick frequently in their first year of daycare. In subsequent years, the immune system’s memory will help it manage previously encountered microbes more effectively.

Insufficient and unbalanced nutrition, inadequate sleep, exposure to tobacco smoke, and air pollution weaken the immune system.

How to Strengthen the Immune System?

The consumption of packaged foods rich in additives and simple sugars, aimed at prolonging shelf life and enhancing taste, disrupts the metabolism of immune system cells. This doesn’t just weaken the immune system; it can also trigger acid reflux, leading to recurrent respiratory infections. Therefore, we should avoid giving our children packaged foods, prevent late-night eating habits, and ensure they have regular meals with freshly cooked, additive-free foods at home.

Regular and adequate sleep is essential for not only normal growth but also for a strong immune response. The daily sleep requirement for children varies by age. This period is 12-16 hours, including naps for those under 1 year old; 11-14 hours for walking toddlers aged 1-2; 10-13 hours for preschoolers (3-5 years); 9-12 hours for school-age children (6-12 years); and 8-10 hours for those aged 13 and older.

Can the Immune System Be Strengthened with Vitamins and Immune Stimulants?

A normal immune system does not require additional vitamins or immune system stimulants. The immune system has a very delicate balance. External supplements can disrupt this balance, leading to undesirable situations. It is not appropriate to use unstandardized supplements, the contents of which are not fully known, without consulting a physician. When your child is sick, the most appropriate approach is to take a break from daycare for a few days and allow them to rest at home.

In conclusion, it is certainly possible to strengthen the immune system. Protecting our children from secondhand smoke, ensuring adequate sleep, providing sufficient and balanced nutrition, and engaging in light exercise are sufficient to keep the immune system strong.

Pediatric Allergy And Immunology Specialist

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