A New Era In Access To Health Services
A New Era In Access To Health Services:
Telehealth (Remote Health Care )
The digital age continues to shape our lives. With the widespread use of mobile phones and tablets, we started to access all services via the internet and new technological infrastructures. Therefore, the health sector has also received its share from this transformation. Remote health care (telehealth), and remote health services are now being offered.
Remote health care (telehealth)s are preferred by employers and employees due to today’s fast and intense work tempo, as well as young generations who use the internet and technology intensively.
What is an remote health care (telehealth)?
It is a kind of health counseling service that brings the doctor and the patient together online via mobile devices. The remote health care (telehealth) is video-based and patients do not need any special technical equipment. Remote health care (telehealth) is a primary health care service that you can prefer before going to a hospital or health center. If you want, you can also have your tests done at home with the team sent to your home when laboratory tests are required.
However, an remote health care (telehealth) is not an alternative to a face-to-face physical examination for situations that require the patient and the doctor to be together. If such a condition is detected during the remote health care (telehealth), your doctor will quickly refer you to the health center.
Why remote health care (telehealth)?
All our citizens living abroad can easily receive diagnosis and treatment services with Turkish doctors through remote health care (telehealth).
Especially if you are a working person, when you or your family has any health problems, you need to take leave from your workplace to reach a health institution or a doctor. Then, going to the health center with your own car or public transportation causes you to lose a lot of time in traffic, especially in big cities. Once you reach the health center, you face a new problem: finding a parking space for your car. Usually the solution to this problem is to pay for valet parking. When you go to the health center, especially when you visit for routine check-ups of your healthy child or for check-ups or check-ups when you are not sick, apart from waiting your turn to be examined by your doctor, you have to wait both at the counter while the examination registration is opened and at the cashier while paying. This can cause you to get infected by staying in a crowded environment. However, with the remote health care (telehealth), you can have a consultation with the doctor from your home, workplace, school, vacation spot or travel via mobile phone, tablet or computer using the video conferencing method.
Studies have shown that approximately 30% of patients who apply to the outpatient clinics of hospitals are actually sick. Approximately 60-70% of outpatient clinic appointments can be diagnosed and treatment can be organized through remote health care (telehealth). Especially in mild and moderate health problems, remote health care (telehealth) and online health counseling are very effective.
Is remote health care (telehealth) legal?
According to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, remote health care (telehealth), is legal. However, only health institutions with the information technology infrastructure specified in the regulation and authorized by the ministry can provide remote health services.
How is the remote health care (telehealth) done?
First, you need to become a member of the application or platform to be examined online. Some information may be requested from you in this process. Do not forget to read the clarification text sent to you carefully before giving your kvkk approval.
As soon as you make your appointment, e-mails and sms are sent to both you and the doctor you have made an appointment with. About ten minutes before your examination, the same notifications are sent again as a reminder.
Before the remote health care (telehealth), having a list of the tests you have recently had and the questions you plan to ask will enable you to use the examination time more efficiently.
Can medication be prescribed during an remote health care (telehealth)?
According to the distance health service regulation, e-prescriptions and reports can be written to patients remotely when necessary.
Which branches can be remote health care (telehealth)?
It is possible to have online video examinations with doctors in all branches. You can also have online video examinations with pedagogues, psychologists, nutritionists, speech therapists and physiotherapists.
Are there remote health care (telehealth) in public hospitals?
In state hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health, online, i.e. remote examination has started since May 2024. The Social Security Institution (SGK) covers the costs of online health services of state hospitals. For this, the patient must make an appointment through the Central Physician Appointment System.
Is our personal data protected in remote health care (telehealth)
It is important that the online video examination is as confidential as a normal examination. The images of the remote health care (telehealth) are end-to-end encrypted and stored in the cloud using a technology approved by the Ministry of Health. The doctor can only record the online video examination with the patient’s consent.
How do you know if the doctor in front of you during an remote health care (telehealth) is a real doctor?
The authenticity of physicians can be questioned from the health institution where the physician works or from the health directorate for physicians who have a licensed private practice, and the CV sample of the physician can be examined.
What can you do in the remote health care (telehealth) TABLE
- With the remote health care (telehealth), you can make an appointment with your doctor or specialist.
- You can get consultation services from other departments with remote health care (telehealth)
- You can consult a specialist for a second opinion on your test results, x-rays, mammography, tomography, etc.
- You can find out which branch you should apply to for your complaint.
- You can arrange medical follow-up or treatment of your chronic disease.
- In emergencies, you can get instant information service until the ambulance arrives or just before you go to the hospital.