The Secret to Skin Renewal: Tissue Stimulation

A significant portion of aesthetic procedures focuses on rejuvenating and restructuring the skin. In recent times, tissue stimulation methods have played a highly effective role. Tissue stimulation enhances collagen and elastin production under the skin, resulting in skin tightening, rejuvenation, and a healthier appearance.

Every day, new technologies and methods are being developed in the aesthetic world. One such method is called tissue stimulation. This technique, which focuses on skin restructuring and rejuvenation, reveals the skin’s natural beauty by increasing collagen and elastin production. Here’s what you need to know about tissue stimulation:

Achieving firm, youthful, and healthy skin is possible.

Especially in today’s era where women seek youth and beauty, tissue stimulation has become a popular option for those wanting to address signs of aging, increase skin firmness, and rejuvenate. Tissue stimulation can be preferred to prevent signs of aging at an early stage in skin exposed to external factors such as sun exposure, smoking, incorrect products, or applications, in addition to age or genetic factors.

Tissue stimulation is a treatment method applied by medical aesthetic practitioners. In this method, a mixture of peptides, vitamins, amino acids, and hyaluronic acid, which are needed by the skin, is injected under the skin to renew and revitalize the skin tissue and repair DNA damage. These injections trigger collagen and elastin production when placed into the skin, resulting in firmer, younger, brighter, and healthier-looking skin.

Tissue stimulation enhances skin quality.

Tissue stimulation therapy is usually a brief procedure. Patients can return to their daily lives immediately after the procedure. The effects of tissue stimulation begin to be seen within 3-5 days after the application, reaching its full effect after the 15th day and lasting for approximately 4 months.

Tissue stimulation application is done as follows:

Micro needles and cannulas are used in the application. The primary component used is hyaluronic acid, a mortar substance that nourishes, supports, and moisturizes collagen fibers, the carrier columns of the skin. Additionally, mixtures containing special skin-revitalizing active ingredients such as vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, peptides, minerals, and growth factors can be used according to the skin’s needs.

It is an ideal application for those who want to invest in their skin. This application, which takes approximately 10 minutes, supports the increase of new collagen production, promotes new vessel formation, and nourishes the skin while moisturizing and tightening it, providing a fresh appearance. It also delays the effects of aging. Moreover, it does not cause changes in facial shape, expression, or mimics. After the treatment, the healing process of the skin begins, resulting in a more youthful and healthy appearance over time. However, it is recommended to be repeated at regular intervals for the best results.

It can be applied in different age groups.

Tissue stimulation treatment, which can be applied to different age groups, is suitable for those who want to take precautions against aging, protect against harmful effects of environmental factors such as sunlight, pollution, repair damaged skin, rejuvenate it, and reduce the effects of aging. The frequency and number of applications are personalized based on factors such as skin type, age, skin quality, individual’s lifestyle, social life, and similar parameters.

However, it should never be forgotten that combined and complementary treatments are always more effective and have longer-lasting results. Lifestyle and genetic factors play a determining role in the permanence of the treatment’s effects. There is no single treatment method that yields extraordinary results.

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Medical Esthetician

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