How should we treat a child who won’t eat?

Parents with children often experience this, as mealtimes can sometimes be chaos or torture. But why is it that some children love to eat, while others, on the contrary, have no appetite?

Appetite is defined as the desire for food. Anorexia is defined as a reluctance to eat.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, anorexia is defined as feeding difficulties, excessive selectivity and refusal to eat, which can be seen in the presence of adequate care and sufficient nutrients for children without any pathology. The proportion of normal children presenting to a physician or nutritionist with complaints of anorexia and eating problems in childhood

It varies between 20-35%. In children with developmental delay, this rate is reported to be 33-90%.

Periods when anorexia and eating problems are evident in children,
  • Transition from breastfeeding to bottle/spoon feeding
  • Starting complementary foods
  • The periods of transition to feeding on their own are active periods when the child may experience anorexia.

Is the underlying root cause of anorexia in children with anorexia an organic disease-based anorexia or an organic disease- based anorexia?

It is important to distinguish whether this is a behaviorally based anorexia.

Children who are genetically small and are fed accordingly are characterized by their families as having a poor appetite with a lot of anxiety. However, it is not known to the family that their growth rate slows down towards the end of 1 year. The amount they eat is normal for their body size. For this reason, nutritionists, pediatricians and pedagogues, etc. experts explain the development and development process of the child to the parents and eliminate the question marks in the minds of the families.

should be removed. At the same time, parents should be persuaded to accept the child’s self-defined hunger and fullness.

Infantile Anorexia

Infantile anorexia, one of the eating disorders seen in childhood, is seen in energetic children who eat little; there is no underlying cause such as organic or trauma, and these children have growth retardation compared to their peers. They have no interest in food from activities such as playing games etc. It is a common eating disorder between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. In the nutritional treatment of these children, nutrition that prevents growth retardation should be targeted. The number of meals should not exceed 4-5, including snacks etc. Fluids such as milk, water, fruit juice etc. should be taken between meals. Instead of junk food as snacks for infantile children, healthier vegetable pancakes with high nutritional and energy value, fruit and grain oat bars should be preferred…


It has been reported in studies that zinc deficiency, an element that plays an important role in cell growth, differentiation and immune system, causes loss of appetite in infants and children. In a study conducted with children aged 3-5 years, it was found that food intake and serum zinc levels of 75.7% of children were positively correlated with their height and weight. (11) Yu KH. A study on the nutrient intakes and zinc nutritional status of preschool children in Ulsan. Korean J Nutr 2007;40(4):385-94

Picky Eater – Picky Eater

Those who do not consume food because they do not like inorganic-based food, not consuming meals after trauma, excessive dieting

Restrictions or coercive and repressive feeding patterns within the family are alarming signs of inorganic-based behavioral selectivity and anorexia in children. Sometimes selectivity is present on a few foods, while in the very selective group it may be more; they take a maximum of 10-15 types of food. Frequent situations such as guilt, anxiety, aggression, etc. in these children are behavior-based; there is a constant conflict within the family due to food. These children should be followed up with a specialist nutritionist, pediatrician and pedagogue in order to prevent permanent behavioral pathologies.

In nutrition management, preparing foods in the family with plate models in a way that can attract their interest, giving the child the task of preparing food, putting salads in food sauces, and giving the child the opportunity to like foods that they do not like/consume at all.

It can be tried 8-15 times without food pressure by trying it in food in this way. If this number is exceeded and still not consumed, the child and the family should consult with specialists and the child’s family for the underlying cause of anorexia.

Children with a structural disorder due to chromosomal, mitochondrial or neurological damage caused by developmental delays may have anorexia and food selection, and various swallowing problems may be seen. Accordingly, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) etc. are very selective. Planned nutrition management of these children

The importance of the approach should be emphasized to the parent. Pungent flavors should be preferred. The taste and smell of the food should be felt. Be clear and precise. Duration and time should be emphasized in the feeding plan. In oral and motor development stages, nutrition plans and other treatment plans should be carried out together with physiotherapists and child-adolescent neurologists.


Families should be supportive and patient. Repressive behaviors should be avoided. The main cause of anorexia or eating disorder may also be based on behavioral disorder or malfunction. For this, a good history should be taken in detail by a specialist pediatrician, nutritionist, etc. and the child’s behavior and response to nutrition should be examined. Breast milk should be given for as long as possible. New foods should be introduced into the diet in a planned manner.

They should get acquainted, there should be no reward and punishment method, and they should be given the method of duty and responsibility. There should be no consumption of technological devices such as television and tablets during meals. There should be a dining environment where the child feels the warmth of the family and wakes up together. The number of meals should not exceed 4-6 and the duration of the meal should be 30 minutes. Nutrition in parents

Nutrition education should be planned according to their habits and family structure (authoritarian, flexible, sensitive, neglectful family).

Especially during periods of reduced appetite, it’s important not to insist when a child says, “No, thank you,” to a bite.

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