A New Story for the New Year… You don’t have to carry the traces of time!

As we leave one year behind and prepare for a new one, many of us experience the excitement of the new year while still carrying the stress, fatigue, and aging effects of the past year on our skin and bodies. The traces of periods where stress management is not achieved, and we neglect ourselves and our skin become visible when we look in the mirror or touch our skin. However, small touches and medical aesthetic procedures can help you leave behind the marks that this stressful year has gifted you.

Many skin problems are linked to stress

Years come and go, moments happen, and they leave traces on our souls. When we look back, we see that we carry good or bad memories. The passing time leaves marks not only on our souls but also on our bodies. We see these marks when we look in the mirror. However, getting rid of these marks is possible.

Earthquakes, wars, economic challenges; the year 2023 left a significant stress burden on everyone. Stress is a trigger for almost all diseases and causes hormonal changes in the body. This situation can directly or indirectly affect skin health.

Dryness, acne, pimples…

The effects of stress on skin health can arise from various reasons. One of these reasons is hormonal changes. In stressful situations, the body produces a stress hormone called cortisol. This can lead to dryness, acne, and other skin problems. Stress can also weaken the immune system, increasing inflammatory processes in the skin and triggering acne and other skin issues. It can result in an oily appearance and clog pores, further enhancing the formation of acne.

Stress can lead to neglect of skincare

Stress can also be the cause behind the skin looking dull and lifeless. Stress can narrow blood vessels, making it difficult for the skin to receive enough oxygen and causing it to appear dull and lifeless. Additionally, stress can disrupt the moisture balance of the skin, leading to dryness and cracks on the face and body. Individuals under stress often pay less attention to skincare. Moreover, stress can create tension and tightness in facial muscles, leading to the formation of expression lines.

The effects caused by stress can vary from person to person. It is essential to consider stress coping methods, overall lifestyle, and genetic factors.

Allow your skin to breathe more with regular treatments

Sometimes it may not be easy to eliminate stress from our lives. There are times when stress management is not achieved, and we cannot allocate time for ourselves. In these periods, the marks of these times become visible when we look in the mirror or touch our skin. Personalized medical aesthetic procedures can help you leave behind the marks that this stressful year has gifted you.

By paying attention to skin cleansing and skincare, you can achieve a tighter appearance of the pores. Regularly applied medical skincare treatments provide a quick effect by purifying the skin from dead cells and elements such as dirt, tightening the skin pores. With regularly applied pore-tightening treatments, the skin breathes more, becoming vibrant, healthy, and radiant.

Restore the volume your skin needs

Botulinum toxin, which calms facial muscles, is used to reduce lines caused by wrinkles between the eyebrows, forehead lines, and fine lines known as crow’s feet around the eyes. Anti-aging treatments, ultrasonic and radiofrequency applications can restore the volume the skin needs. Laser treatments that regulate skin tone, reduce spots, and increase collagen production can also help renew the upper layer of the skin.

You can write a more beautiful story for yourself in the new year

These innovative methods positively affect not only physical appearance but also mental health. With positive changes in the face and body, confidence in oneself increases, and you can take a more energetic step into the new year. In other words, everyone can write a more beautiful introduction to their story in the new year.

However, there is a point that should not be forgotten! True beauty integrates with internal health. Everyone’s physical characteristics are different, and beauty is unique to the individual. Before resorting to medical aesthetic procedures, having a detailed consultation with a specialist physician will help clarify your expectations and make the right decision.

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Medical Aesthetic Doctor

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