What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine approach and treatment method that has been used for over 200 years. It was developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, and all its principles have been described. Homeopathy aims to treat all types of physical, emotional, and psychological illnesses. This method considers the person as a whole and focuses on treating the individual rather than just the symptoms. Multiple ailments in the same person can be treated with a single homeopathic remedy, as homeopathic medicine is specific to the individual rather than to a particular disease or symptom; it works by activating the person’s vital force for overall healing.

**Who can use Homeopathic remedies?**

Homeopathic remedies can be safely used by the elderly, pregnant women, infants, as well as animals and plants.

**How are Homeopathic remedies obtained?**

Homeopathic medicines are produced in safe laboratories in many countries and sold in pharmacies. These remedies are created by repeatedly diluting substances from animals, plants, or elements until no material substance remains. Therefore, they can be used safely in patients.

**In which countries is Homeopathic treatment used?**

Homeopathy is widely used in many European countries, as well as in India, Brazil, the USA, and Australia. Many royal families, especially in England, have officially adopted homeopathy.

**How do Homeopathic remedies work?**

At the core of homeopathy lies the principle called the “law of similars.” According to this principle, if a substance causes signs and symptoms in a healthy person, it can treat a disease with those same symptoms when diluted in very low doses.

For example, onion is known to cause tearing and a runny nose, and a homeopathic remedy made from highly diluted onion, known as “Allium cepa,” can create a remarkable healing effect for allergic rhinitis.

Or, in cases where a person suddenly swells and reddens as if bitten by a bee—despite no actual sting occurring—cold applications may help, and the homeopathic remedy made from bee venom called “Apis mellifica” can quickly treat such allergic skin lesions.

In conclusion, homeopathy is an alternative treatment system that can be safely used in situations where modern medical treatments are insufficient or inadequate, and it has become increasingly recognized and utilized in recent years both worldwide and in our country.

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Homeopath ENT specialist

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