How Will the Sky Affect Us in July and August 2024?

Dear Readers,

Between July 2 and July 29, the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus will bring unexpected challenges for those born in the last ten days of Taurus and Scorpio. Conversely, those born in the last twenty days of Cancer and Capricorn, as well as those born in the first ten days of Leo and Aquarius, will experience surprising but positive influences. Particularly significant events may occur on July 9, 16, and 23. The energies during this period will be at their peak, prompting unusual and radical reactions. Individuals may become overly tense and impatient, making it crucial to avoid risky situations, sports, and conflicts.

Those born in the early days of Aquarius will feel deep, energetic, bold, and decisive throughout July due to Mars’s favorable aspects to Pluto in Aquarius.

Saturn’s retrograde movement in Pisces from June 30 to November 15 will start to alert Pisces individuals. They will be reminded to address unfinished business, correct issues that have gone awry, resolve unresolved relationship problems, and deal with any lingering health issues. This period signifies a time for Pisces to update their bodies, work, and relationships.

The Full Moon on July 21 will affect those born between January 18 and January 21. They may face disliked aspects of themselves or past mistakes they have tried to ignore. If they wish, they can start correcting these issues with full intention. Similarly, the Full Moon on August 19 will prompt those born between February 15 and February 18 to take similar actions.

Throughout these two months, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, and Aquarius will enter a favorable period. If they remain well-intentioned, things will come easily, and they will encounter beautiful opportunities.

Additionally, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, which occurs approximately every four years, will influence Gemini throughout August. This aspect could lead to sudden developments in Gemini’s finances, possessions, and could also spur spontaneous travel. They will be more enthusiastic, driven, and quick to act on their desires. Sagittarius individuals, on the other hand, will feel the need to prove everyone wrong and demonstrate their point no matter the cost. However, they should avoid over-relying on luck.

Those born between March 17 and March 30 may find their attention easily diverted during August. They may have unclear ideas about their life’s focus or adopt a nonchalant attitude toward events they encounter.

From August 5 to August 29, Mercury will be retrograde. It is advisable for everyone, especially those born between August 10 and August 31 (Leo and Virgo), to avoid making major purchases, starting new jobs, leaving jobs, or entering into significant agreements during this period. Additionally, remember to back up your phones and PCs before August 5, as Mercury’s retrograde can lead to sudden and unusual issues related to communication and technology.

From August 8 to August 31, Venus, Mars, and Saturn will form challenging aspects. This will particularly affect Virgos, Pisces, and Geminis, who may experience intense swings between passion and caution in matters of love and finances. Maintaining an optimistic attitude and continually evaluating how they feel best is essential. It is crucial to identify genuine and accurate needs and avoid excessive spending on love or getting caught in the “I’ll handle it, I know best” mindset. Being more moderate, balanced, and cautious is important during this period. It is vital to remember responsibilities while taking action. The Universe will test their commitment and willingness towards their goals this month. Therefore, persistence and listening to their inner voice will be crucial.

Other signs not specifically mentioned will continue with their current situations. Personal birth charts will determine individual issues.

Enjoy your summer vacation to the fullest and stay in love…

Best regards,

About Author /

Astrology Trainer and Consultant

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