
“Something bad is going to happen today. I can feel it!”

“Every time I meet this person, I get sick.”

“The energy of this place affects me negatively.”

Aren’t these phrases something you hear quite often? 

Are they silly? Prejudiced? Psychological? 

No, they’re not! 

How, you ask? 

Here’s the scientific explanation:

Just like all objects in the universe, our bodies have their unique vibrations. Through these vibrations, all living and non-living things communicate with each other. The strongest electromagnetic field in the human body is the heart. Our heart transforms our emotions, beliefs, and dreams about the future into vibrations and sends them out into the universe. We attract everything that resonates with the vibrations we emit into our lives. This is why it’s inevitable that we experience what we truly feel in our hearts.

Fill your heart with beautiful things. We can change the world with the voice of our hearts.

Wishing you all childlike days…

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