
My name is Cici Doctor.

I was born on April 1st, 2021, and I turned 3 years old.

I grew up…

Now I can talk… I can ask questions…

I can run… I can go up and down stairs by myself…

I started to help my mom with simple tasks at home!

I’ve even started learning English for four months. I can even broadcast in English ☺

In 3 years, Cici Doctor has published 33 issues, 2 of which are in English.

In 3 years, we reached 599 articles and 2500 pages of publication.

The website www.cicidoktorum.com has been clicked millions of times by you. Just in the last 90 days, reaching 870,000 clicks.

We were watched 240,000 times on the Youtube Cici Doctor TV channel by you.

Cici Doctor Podcasts were listened to by more than 1,500,000 times.


Very soon with the “Cicidoktorum” application, you will be able to reach our expert team 24/7 from anywhere in the world with your mobile phones and you will be able to receive online medical consultation and advice on mother & child health issues.

Thank you very much for accompanying us on this journey.

Happy Birthday CICI DOCTOR.

My name is Cici Doctor.

I was born on April 1st, 2021, and I turned 3 years old.

I grew up…

Now I can talk… I can ask questions…

I can run… I can go up and down stairs by myself…

I started to help my mom with simple tasks at home!

I’ve even started learning English for four months. I can even broadcast in English ☺

In 3 years, Cici Doctor has published 33 issues, 2 of which are in English.

In 3 years, we reached 599 articles and 2500 pages of publication.

The website www.cicidoktorum.com has been clicked millions of times by you in the last 90 days, reaching 870,000 clicks.

We were watched 240,000 times on the Youtube Cici Doctor TV channel by you.

Cici Doctor Podcasts were listened to by more than 1,500,000.


Very soon with the “Cicidoktorum” application, you will be able to reach our expert team 24/7 from anywhere in the world with your mobile phones; you will be able to receive online medical consultation and advice on mother & child health issues.

Thank you very much for joining us on this journey.

Happy Birthday CICI DOCTOR.

Wishing You Childlike Days…

About Author /

Pediatric Health And Diseases

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