March – April Forecas

On March 10th, there will be a New Moon in Pisces. Especially for those born between March 10-12 and September 12-14, if you want to make fresh starts in love, work, investment projects, or other areas, you can plan your actions between March 10-15. Since Saturn is also in Pisces, you will encounter positive outcomes when you carry out these projects.

On March 25th, there will be a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra. Particularly those born between March 23-27 and September 26-30 will internalize and confront their past actions on March 25th. If there are areas they want to improve in themselves, they should set intentions to heal them and absolutely avoid criticizing themselves for their past actions. Decisions made in the past are always right within the context of that time’s understanding and circumstances. Criticizing your past decisions with the knowledge and changed circumstances that have developed over time is the greatest injustice you can do to yourself.

We will experience Mercury retrograde in Aries from April 2nd to 26th. As I mentioned before, especially Aries and Libras should not forget to back up their PCs and cell phones before April 2nd. Avoid aligning important buying-selling decisions, events, and travels with the retrograde period because you may face some communication difficulties that you hadn’t anticipated.

On April 8th, there will be a solar eclipse at 19 degrees of Aries. Those born between April 6-10 and October 10-14 will be affected by this. To benefit from the cosmic energy of the eclipses, you can set positive intentions to change aspects of yourself that you don’t like through a meditative practice that suits you on that day.

Additionally, between April 1st and 25th, Mars and Saturn will come together in Pisces. This situation will also positively affect Pisces and Virgos. During this time, their physical energies will be disciplined. They will have competencies such as pre-planning actions, making plans, being determined, cautious, and responsible. However, I advise them to stay away from conflicts and stress. They should avoid risky movements and heavy sports during this period.

With the square aspect between the Sun and Pluto from April 13th to 29th, those born in the last days of Aries and Libras and the first days of Aquarius and Leo may feel pressured. Therefore, they may inadvertently put pressure on others as well. When you want to change yourself, you need to make internal observations. It’s not just about influencing others; you also need to check if your style is correct.

What will happen in the elections in March?

In the elections on March 31st, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Pisces will trigger Turkey’s chart’s MC point and Uranus there. The MC point represents the government and the peak. There may be sudden surprising changes. Hopefully, it will be a peaceful and beautiful election.

With the equinox on March 21st, spring will arrive. May you have beautiful, cheerful, enjoyable, and healthy springs in your life. Try to always feel, smell, and store the awakening, excitement, and enthusiasm felt in nature at this time in your memories.

Stay well, always with love…

About Author /

Astrology Trainer and Consultant

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