Breastfeeding Mothers’ New Year’s Eve Nutrition

As we are ready to welcome the new year with hope, leaving a whole year behind, one of the biggest mistakes made by breastfeeding mothers to comfortably consume the evening meal on New Year’s Day is not eating anything during the day. However, both a healthy diet and breakfast, as well as snacks that play a significant role in maternal nutrition, should not be skipped throughout the day. Especially in the morning, a quality protein source like one egg and in snacks, a calcium-rich milk enhancer, and a probiotic yogurt with walnuts and pomegranate, which are crucial for the baby’s brain development, can be preferred.
Never forget to drink water with your meal
The day should start with warm water. On New Year’s Eve, around 4 liters of fluid should be consumed, and 2 liters of this should be water throughout the day. Instead of carbonated drinks to avoid gas, mothers can prefer probiotic/lactose-free buttermilk or yogurt, mineral water, low-sugar seasonal lemonade or compote to meet their calcium needs. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided for the healthy development of the baby. After the meal, excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee at the family table should be limited. The day after New Year’s Eve, you can soothe your stomach with chamomile and fennel tea. Mixed herbal teas and slimming teas should never be consumed.
Pay attention to plate portions
Breastfeeding mothers need to consume quality protein sources to preserve their tissues and for the protein passed from the milk to be used for the baby’s tissue formation. For this reason, on New Year’s Eve, you can choose turkey meat, which is high in protein content and low in fat. According to Turkey’s nutrition guide data, 70g/day or 19g additional protein in the first 6 months and 13g additional protein in the second 6 months are needed. In addition to turkey during the day, salads containing legumes and whole wheat, rich in B group for iron deficiency common in breastfeeding, and suitable for vegan mothers, can be included with high vitamin C content beta-carotene-rich carrot tarator. If turkey is not consumed, 100/150 grams of low-fat chicken or seasonal fish, which are quality protein sources, can be preferred.
More than half of your plate should consist of vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, to have a beautiful and enjoyable evening, gas-producing vegetables should be avoided on the table. Especially because these vegetables like onions, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower can pass into breast milk, causing discomfort in the baby.
Dear mothers, you don’t have to finish the meal on your plate. Remember to chew your food well and not to eat too quickly. Instead of filling your plate with every meal, choose smaller portions and savor every bite.
Pay attention to cooking methods on New Year’s Eve
Some cooking methods you will pay attention to while preparing your dinner will help you keep control on New Year’s Eve. Instead of frying the turkey, it is preferable to bake it. The type of oil used is as important as the amount of oil used; olive oil should be preferred.
Learn to say no
Rather than harmful snacks like ready-made, packaged, and oily snacks next to conversations, television, or game pleasure, and avoiding excessively sugary sherbet desserts due to increased milk production on New Year’s Eve, choose lactose-free/goat milk desserts with low sugar, nuts and almonds high in magnesium and zinc. You must be able to say no to the insistence on you.
Do not make a detox list after New Year’s Eve
Dear mothers, actually eat what you want; ‘eat everything in sight’ should not be confused. You are in a very special period, but without going overboard. These are crucial for your health and your baby’s health. Do not decide to apply detox/restrictive diets immediately after New Year’s Day. During this period, we do not recommend detox, crash diets, and diet lists applied thoughtlessly. When New Year’s Day is over, return to a healthy diet and exercise routine; your body will recover on its own without you even realizing it.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.