2024 Astrology: What Does it Say for You?


They will generally have a calm year. The month of April may be a bit exciting. I recommend paying attention to Mercury Retrograde in Aries and suggest conducting important events, transactions before or after April. Between May 1st and June 9th, they need to control their anger and excessive energy. Additionally, during the lunar eclipse on March 25th, and solar eclipses on April 8th and October 2nd, they can make positive changes by setting good intentions to improve aspects they are not satisfied with. In April, singles are advised to accept invitations for new love opportunities.


Those born in the last 10 days of Taurus will be under the influence of Uranus this year. They are advised to make changes based on their genuine needs, with surprises, radical shifts, and feelings of freedom. The planet Jupiter will be in their favor from January to the end of May. If they set positive goals without losing optimism, they can create opportunities. Love winds may blow in May, but they should be cautious about their expenses in the same month.


After May 26th, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunities, will be with Geminis until the end of December. They are advised to let go of pessimistic thoughts, be open to invitations, and be surprised by opportunities when expressing goodwill. Between July 21st and September 4th, their physical energy and libido will be high. They are encouraged to enjoy this period without getting angry and breaking bridges too quickly.


Cancers can easily achieve their goals and objectives this year. Positive aspects of Saturn will help them make responsible, well-planned, disciplined decisions. Between June 18th and July 11th, positive aspects of Mars and Saturn will also contribute to their positive feelings in love matters. It will generally be a calm year for Cancer individuals.


Those born in the first 10 days of Leo are advised to determine their genuine needs for radical changes in love, work, health, or financial matters, plan them consciously, and take actions. Especially between July 12th and August 5th, they can focus on love matters. After May 26th, they will have lucky opportunities if they maintain their optimism. From August 16th to 28th, Mercury retrograde will affect them, so important events, travels, and significant transactions should be avoided during this time.


Saturn in Pisces will affect Virgos. Those born in the first 20 days of Virgo will feel responsible and encounter disciplined and patient situations. Between March 23rd and April 30th, they can use their physical energy positively. They are advised to avoid risks and tense environments during this time. Also, between August 5th and 28th, to avoid the negative effects of Mercury retrograde, important events should not be scheduled, and backups should be taken before August 5th.


Libras need to take advantage of the positive aspects of the upcoming lunar and solar eclipses. Lunar eclipse on March 25th affects those born between September 26th and 30th; the solar eclipse on April 8th affects those born between October 10th and 14th, and the solar eclipse on October 2nd affects those born between October 1st and 5th. During these periods, they can make positive changes by choosing a suitable meditation method and working on themselves. Between August 30th and September 23rd, potential for love and art will increase.


Jupiter in Taurus from January 1st to May 25th will show lucky opportunities for Scorpios. However, they should avoid exaggeration and unnecessary events during this time. Between June 18th and July 15th and between September 24th and October 17th, they may experience positive events in love matters. With Saturn’s positive support in Pisces, Scorpios, who were tired last year due to eclipses, will achieve their goals this year. Those born in the last 10 days of Scorpio may experience surprising events.


Sagittarians will have a calm first six months in 2024. Between July 21st and September 4th, Mars in Gemini will make them overly excited and active. They are advised to use their physical strength more positively to avoid excessive anger and conflicts. Between October 18th and November 11th, they may experience events related to love. Between November 26th and December 16th, during Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, they should avoid traveling, organizing events, and major transactions.


The planet of love and finance, Venus, will visit Capricorn twice this year: once in January-February and once in November-December. During these months, Capricorns will want to express their emotions to the maximum. Between September 5th and November 4th, they may feel overly nervous and excited. Those born in the last 10 days will experience surprising changes in love, work, and home, rooted in the desire for freedom.


For those born in the first 10 days of Aquarius, it is recommended to pay attention to the radical changes rising from within them. This is a time of change for them, and they need to elevate their genuine needs to their consciousness for the radical changes that will last for about 5-6 years in 2024. In February and March, with Mars and Venus in Aquarius, they will feel very active, loving, excited, and attractive. Opportunities for working in societies that serve humanity universally, beyond their current jobs, may make them feel much better.


Those born in Pisces will be under the influence of Saturn throughout the year. They should make good use of this opportunity to realize their dreams. Saturn will show them where they lack, have excess, or are wrong, prompting them to correct these aspects in a more careful and planned manner. Between March 12th and April 5th, with Venus and between March 23rd and April 30th, with Mars in Pisces, they will feel very energetic, active, ambitious, and attractive. With Saturn there, they will structure their love and physical energies well in March. It is advisable to plan the actions they need to take in March to realize their dreams.

I wish everyone a prosperous, joyful, healthy, and cheerful 2024. Embracing you all with love.

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Astrology Trainer and Consultant

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